The C-Situation is taking it’s toll with all of is – but we are fighting back. In August to come: The new work kin_ to be shown at City C with Erholungshaus Leverkusen and Kunstverein Leverkusen. Stay tuned!
All posts filed under ‘Allgemein’
#151. Norge. Must Love The Gate II
#150. Norge. Must Love The Gate
#149. Norge. Lille My II
#148. Norge. Lille My I
#147. España. Oh, my!
Artwork “Die unsichtbaren Städte – Fragilität” for the PerformanceQuartett
#146. España. The Caring House
Performance 171*168 Berlin, CHB
#145. España. Would you?
Installation Mesokosmos II – Voyage To The Inner Ground
#145. España. Greys.
Artwork Mesokosmos II – Voyage To The Inner Ground
Performance Fakir
Performance 171*168
Come and watch the documentation of our three-part series 171*168 at the premiere in the ZZT (Center of Contemporary Dance Köln) in April 2015. It’s thanks to my wonderful partner Sophia Seiss and the staff of the workshop frames: (everyday) that this piece looks like it is today. You will be able to see it […]