All posts filed under ‘big’
#147. España. Oh, my!
#146. España. The Caring House
Performance 171*168 Berlin, CHB
Installation Mesokosmos II – Voyage To The Inner Ground
#145. España. Greys.
Fineart Portrait: Jazz Singer
#140. Norge. Ljushuset.
Art Direction and Artwork for Noch:Schon
#135. España. Cynical World.
#126. Italia. Being more intelligent than serious.
#125. Österreich. Scratches
Ein Lucia-Projekt
Here comes the documentation of a performancebased workshop with nine 12-year-olds I did last november and december.Check it out!
We have just finished the latest bits on our new shortfilm “distances”. Thank you Babette Galli-Jescheck, Cristina Palamini, Luis Temano, who made this huge and tiny project possible.
#121. Österreich. Weites Panorama.
#112. España. Japanese Mirroring.
Muskat – The Ship
Just now we finished the latest work on the film of the acoustic recording session of the wonderful band Muskat.