Performance 171*168 Berlin, CHB

Allgemein, big 10. November 2015

171*168_Berlin_Charlotte Triebus_CHB

Check out the latest performance at Collegium Hungaricum (CHB), where Charlotte Triebus and Sophia Seiss presented three situations from their work 171*168. See more here or here:

CHB_MontagModus_051015_by_Roger_Rossell_web_18 IMG_46412 IMG_46282  IMG_45592Charlotte Triebus, CHB, 171x168, Berlin IMG_45902 IMG_46412 IMG_46282

CHB_MontagModus_051015_by_Roger_Rossell_web_33Charlotte Triebus, CHB, 171x168, Berlin, Pauline Bossdorf Charlotte Triebus, CHB, 171x168, Berlin Charlotte Triebus, CHB, 171x168, Berlin CHB, 171x168, BerlinDocumentation of our three-part series 171*168 at the Collegium Hungaricum in Berlin this fall. We were invited to perform within the Montagsmodus- Series for experimental performances.

One million thanks go to my wonderful partner Sophia Seiss and the curating team around Léna Szirmay-Kalos to make our performance awesome. To be repeated!
171*168 – Collegium Hungaricum Edition, Berlin

Performer: Charlotte Triebus, Sophia Seiss
Concept, Choreography: Sophia Seiss, Charlotte Triebus, Reut Shemesh
Curation: Lena Szirmay-Kalos
Camera (Film): Pauline Bossdorf
Pictures: Pauline Bossdorf except 2 and 4 (both b/w): Roger Rossell
Cutting, Editing Trailer: Charlotte Triebus

The piece has been shown at Collegium Hungaricum Berlin (.CHB) in winter 2015.


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