Tango is more alive than ever, reuniting personality, purity, the love of dance and music. Take a look by yourself!
All posts filed under ‘big’
#54. Portugal. Encarcelado.
Move, Dove! MoveDove.
MoveDove is the name of a german jazzdduo, travelling through Germany and giving improvisation-based concerts in churches creating the bridge between sensitivity, playfulness and severity.
Design Magazine About Sweden
Let´s talk about chopsticks!
… a tiny tiny presentation about chopsticks and how to use them.
“Dia de los muertos” – Making-of Video
Der Film zu den Fotos. Hinter den Kulissen.
Veröffentlichung bei anafot.net
Das türkische Fotomagazin anafot.net veröffnetlicht diesen Monat unter der Rubrik Reisefotografie einige meiner Bilder.